Our monthly memberships are essentially a pre-pay savings account that can be applied towards future products or services. You decide which membership tier that best fits your beauty needs. Memberships are auto charged monthly and then applied to your account in form of a credit. You decide when and how you would like to use these funds.
As a member, you will receive special discounted pricing on products and services. No fees are deducted for memberships, what you pay is yours and available for future spending.
When you initially sign up for a membership, there is a 3-month commitment. After the 3 months, your membership becomes month-to-month and can be cancelled when providing a 2-week written notice. You also have the option to pause your membership. However, memberships paused will not receive special discounts during the membership pause. You can pause your membership up to 3 months at a time in a calendar year. Even if you are on a membership pause, you will shill have access to spend any available funds on your account towards products or services.
The amount remaining in your account is still available for you to spend. However, it is non-refundable. You are able to apply it towards future products or services. Once cancelled, you will no longer receive the special membership pricing or promotions.